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Researchers at Harvard University found that the "let them cry" approach to child-rearing "harms the baby permanently," and "changes the nervous system so they're sensitive to future trauma."... posted on Dec 25 2001, 682 reads


... posted on Dec 24 2001, 1,967 reads


... posted on Dec 23 2001, 445 reads


Sages have often said that we register deep rooted impressions from all our actions. On 60 Minutes, Dr. Farewell said that everything you do creates an imprint in your brain. See how they plan to differentiate the innocent from the guilty with 'Brain Fingerprinting': ... posted on Dec 22 2001, 528 reads


An organization in San Francisco allows you to travel and make a difference -- Airline Ambassadors. Started by a flight attendant, you can find more online:... posted on Dec 21 2001, 874 reads


The Earth is not perfectly round but is slightly flattened at the poles and bulges a little just south of the Equator.... posted on Dec 20 2001, 386 reads


Larry Scherwitz, a University of California psychologist, taped the conversations of nearly 600 men, a third of whom were suffering from heart disease, the rest of whom were healthy. Men who used the word "I", "me", and "mine" most often had the highest risk of heart trouble.... posted on Dec 19 2001, 552 reads


$600 million in donations were contributed in response to the events of September 11, 2001. (Wall Street Journal; October 2001)... posted on Dec 18 2001, 534 reads


... posted on Dec 17 2001, 506 reads


... posted on Dec 16 2001, 397 reads


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Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.
Anne Frank

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